In Cocktails and Drinks

A mocktail for bingo night that you’re friends will love

When it comes to drinking in style, you don’t always need booze. Sometimes all you need is a bingo party and an amazing mocktail to set in the mood. So, today we’re going to give you a mocktail recipe that you and your bingo pals are surely going to love.

Naughty Margarita

Get boozy without the booze. Naughty Margarita is a fizzy drink with the perfect sugar hit that you need to get the party started. Here’s how to make this zesty drink:


170 ml frozen Limeade

85 ml orange juice

30 ml lime juice

30 ml lemon juice

2 tbsp fine sugar

Lime wedge

Ice cubes

How to make it:

Mix 170ml frozen limeade, 85ml orange juice, 30ml lemon juice, 30ml lime juice and 2 teaspoons of fine sugar together in a jug. Stir until everything’s combined and stirred smooth, add the ice and stir again. Next, rub a lime wedge around the edge of your glasses before dipping the rim into fine sugar. Dip the rim in the sugar and fill the blended margarita in glasses. Finally, garnish it with a lime wedge and serve it alone or with some quirky snacks to munch on!

Extra tip: You can also rim a margarita glass with salt and chilli.

Enjoy this drink with your friends and come back for more such delightful recipes when you throw your next bingo party.