How Catering Software Uncovered a Specialist Food Market
Ordinary people don’t really have the time to meticulously count calories and measure everything about the food they consume. A complicated tracking process makes them even more frustrated, and they soon stop tracking and take out a quick fix like a packet of crisps.
If it’s the food itself that causes us to have such dramatic weight changes and increase health risks, then we might be the only ones who understand its risks. Many other people do, though. And many of them do it well. They are personal trainers and nutritionists, sports coaches and nutritionists, nutritional scientists and fitness coaches, and dieticians, too.
And this is the truth about weight: We don’t need more specialists and celebrities to keep us away from certain foods, or to make fat-phobia and fat-shaming the status quo. We don’t need a long chain of fat-elimination exercises involving a gym membership and expensive supplements, or the constant promotion of healthy fat diets.
We need better marketing of the healthy foods we eat and health professionals to give us healthy, safe information instead of harmful myths. Together with some real-world user data collected from one of the best catering software solutions, a niche was uncovered for a specialist food market, which is that of everyday, hardworking individuals who have nutritional needs designed to match their active lifestyles.
A diet that involves increasing the number of meat, fish, dairy and eggs you consume per meal may not be the best option for those whose job requires a lot of physical activity. There are other dietary choices for these individuals, some of which are described in this article:
Calorie counting has proven to be much more time consuming and isn’t necessary in every situation. An increase in protein will also increase metabolism and leave you feeling full longer.
Contrary to popular belief, saturated fat doesn’t increase heart disease risk. While the research is mixed regarding dietary cholesterol, we do know that eating more fat won’t improve cholesterol. In fact, people who increase their intake of saturated fat can actually increase their risk of cardiovascular disease.
An increase in consumption of carbohydrates and vegetables is also beneficial, as they are the foods that prevent people from becoming obese.
Protein-rich foods provide protein while giving you the nutrition you need for both energy and maintaining your metabolism. It’s true that increasing your daily intake of protein will increase your calorie count, but it’s a realistic goal to increase your calorie count while increasing your protein intake.
Apples may be low in calories, but they are very high in antioxidants. There’s a great deal of evidence that antioxidants improve the health of our body’s tissues and arteries, with the benefits being seen even years after consuming fruit.
Asparagus, broccoli, and zucchini may be lower in calories, but they’re packed with nutrients. Additionally, all three vegetables provide an easy and tasty way to increase your consumption of vegetables.
As we continue to learn more about nutrition and weight loss, the information presented here will continue to evolve. Although I hope I have provided some helpful information, I’d like to know what kind of diet you think is best for reducing your risk of disease and improving your physical performance. Feel free to leave your comments below.